Why Is It Called Cow Face Pose?

There’s a story behind most yoga names – many are derived from deities or shapes gods took in varying stories. While this pose’s origin story includes the god Brahma, it’s…

Is Yoga Static Or Dynamic Stretching?

To many folks, yoga is the label slapped onto a stretching session. However, while yoga includes stretching, it goes far beyond challenging your body through deep stretches. If you’re new…

Why Do My Muscles Shake During Yoga?

Although many folks associate yoga with calm, relaxing flows, it can be incredibly challenging. The lengthy holds in certain yoga styles cause an intense burn in the activated muscles, causing…

Does Yoga Help With Cellulite?

Fitness and health are a journey, not a destination. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, our diet and exercise regime go to the wayside, put on the back burner as life…

Can Yoga Cause Diarrhea?

Yoga is an excellent way to target and challenge your strength, endurance, and mental strength. However, while most folks solely focus on the benefits of yoga, it’s important to note…

Why Do I Twitch When I Meditate?

From an outside perspective, meditation seems like a straightforward process. When considering meditation, many folks automatically think of sitting cross-legged on the floor, hands on the knees, eyes closed. However,…

Why Is Downward Dog So Hard?

Downward dog, also known as Adho Mukha Savasana, makes an appearance in almost every yoga class at least once. For some folks, the cue to shift into downward dog triggers…