Why Do My Muscles Shake During Yoga?

Although many folks associate yoga with calm, relaxing flows, it can be incredibly challenging. The lengthy holds in certain yoga styles cause an intense burn in the activated muscles, causing participants to count their breaths until the release. Sometimes, as you hold those tricky yoga poses, you might notice your muscles begin to shake or quiver. 

Despite your best efforts, you can’t seem to get the muscle to quit shaking. So, why is it happening? Is it bad for your muscles to shake during yoga? Generally, muscle shaking is the result of muscle fatigue, which is entirely normal when you introduce your muscles to a new pose or type of training. However, a few other things could cause the shaking, so continue reading to learn more!

Why Do I Shake During Yoga?

Perhaps you notice your muscles shake during a new pose in your yoga class, or maybe they begin to shake near the end of your session. Or, perhaps, they begin shaking as soon as you start your yoga practice. A few culprits could cause this, including muscle fatigue, a lack of sleep, or dehydration. 

Muscle Fatigue

Although several things can cause muscle shakes during a workout, muscle fatigue is one of the most common culprits. Many times, the tremors we notice as we move through a challenging sequence are the body’s physiological response to exertion. 

This happens due to the composition of our muscles and how they respond to our brains. Our muscles are composed of dozens of fiber strands, each working to create a contraction. When the brain sends a signal to those muscle fibers to contract, they do so, but not always all at once. 

Some muscle fibers will contract and actively work while others rest. Then, a trade-off happens, where those fibers rest and the others take over. When this trade-off happens, it’s usually smooth enough that we don’t notice anything. 

However, this trade-off becomes a bit rougher when the muscles are fatigued. The switch between the muscle fibers isn’t as smooth, causing the fibers to contract and release rapidly, which leads to the quivering sensation. 

This type of shaking is typical for individuals new to a particular pose or type of exercise, as the muscles might be unfamiliar with the sequence. As you push your body through new flows and sequences, the muscles may become fatigued, causing the shakes.

However, it’s nothing to be concerned about, as this is a normal response to new training. As those muscles strengthen, they’ll be able to handle the trade-off more seamlessly. Of course, you might still notice tremors from time to time, especially when you challenge yourself more, but it’ll take more effort to overexert those muscles to the point of shaking. 

Not Enough Sleep

Women Tired

Sleep is an essential component of a healthy, functioning body. Without enough sleep, your body might not have enough time to fully recover from the previous day’s exertions. For example, let’s say you completed a challenging workout yesterday and didn’t get much restful sleep last night. 

Today, you might notice your body’s performance suffers. You might notice more muscle soreness than usual, and when you start your workout, your muscles might shake and quiver as you move through the poses. 

This could be a result of too little sleep. When we sleep, our bodies repair muscles and prepare for the upcoming day. If we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies usually fail to perform well the following day. So, if you’re noticing tremors or shakes right out of the gate in your workout or yoga session, ensure you got plenty of sleep on previous nights. 


Not consuming enough water can wreak havoc on our bodies, causing a variety of symptoms to occur. In some cases, dehydration can cause your muscles to quiver as you move through your yoga glows. Unlike other causes of muscle shakes, such as fatigue-related tremors, dehydration-related shakes point to an imbalance in your body. 

Your body requires plenty of fluids to maintain a healthy balance of electrolytes, the essential minerals that aid in transmitting electrical impulses to contract your muscles. When your body has an electrolyte imbalance, your muscles can’t fire correctly.

When this happens, you might notice shakes and tremors as your move through your yoga flow. So, drinking plenty of water is essential to remain hydrated throughout the day. 

How Do I Stop Shaking In Yoga?

When your body shakes during yoga (or any other type of training), it’s usually due to one of three culprits: muscle fatigue, a lack of sleep, or dehydration. So, to correct the shaking issue, you’ll need to pinpoint what is causing it. 

If the shaking results from muscle fatigue, this is fairly normal. Your muscles might not be strong enough yet to handle the trade-off efficiently, causing your body to shake through specific movements. As your body gains strength, you’ll notice it takes more effort to overexert those muscles and cause shaking. 

So, if that’s the reason behind the shaking, continue training to build your strength. Remember to get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and listen to your body, as overtraining can be detrimental to your progress. 

Alternatively, your muscle shakes could be caused by a lack of sleep. Your body needs plenty of time to rest and recover, so ensure you get plenty of restful sleep. Without giving your body enough time to recover, you raise the risk of injury, so getting plenty of rest is essential. You might need to adjust your schedule to allow time for more sleep, especially if you’re not getting enough.

Or, the shaking could be the result of dehydration. Your body requires ample hydration to maintain a healthy electrolyte balance, which is essential for proper muscle function. So, ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day, before, during, and after training. 

Sometimes, water might not be enough to stay fully hydrated, especially if you sweat quite a bit during your training sessions. If that’s the case, consider incorporating an electrolyte-packed sports drink into your day to help with dehydration. Or, add an electrolyte-rich additive to your water to help replenish those lost through sweat.